Sunday 23rd February 2025, Commencing at 9:00am at the club house
1. Welcome
2. Present/Apologies
3. Minutes of the Meeting February 2024
4. Matters Arising from these minutes
5. Presidents Report
6. Treasurers Report
7. Election of Office Bearers – (Counters x 1, Scrutineer x 1)
- President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Club Captain
- 3x Committee persons
8. Membership Fees
9. Life/Honorary Membership
10. General Business
11. Auditors Appointment
12. Patron’s Appointment
Please welcome our new Bar recruits Griffin Poke, Irene Wicks & Faith Rush, who will be working alongside Richard & Berni & Roger at Bar 19.
If you have your RSA and interested or know anyone who maybe interested in working behind the Bar on Saturday evenings, please contact the Club at